37′ 1981 Silverton 37C Vessel Specifications Propulsion Engine Make: Crusaders Type: 502 CUI FWC Fuel Type: Gas Horse Power: 370 hp Hours Port: 200 Hours Starboard: 200 Accommodations Sleeps Six Two in the forward stateroom on a v berth with a filler cushion...
24′ 2003 Sea Ray 240 Sundancer Vessel Specifications Propulsion Engine Make: Merc 5.0l MPI RWC Bravo III Type: Inboard/Outboard Fuel Type: Gas Horse Power: 220 Hours Port: 468 Hours Starboard: Accommodations Sleeps Four Two in the midcabin Two in the forward V...
34 Mainship Trawler Mark I Vessel Specifications PropulsionEngine Make: YANMARType: 6LPA-STP FWCFuel Type: DIESELHorse Power: 315 HPHours: 678AccommodationsSleeps FourTwo on the sofa which convertsTwo on the v berthCruiseair Reverse CycleGalleyNorcold dual voltage...